The most important question on everyone’s lips, is whether or not to get vaccinated. The answer is simple: get vaccinated. One of the obstacles with society today is the ease of access to misinformation. The lack of accountability in our technological age allows conspiracy theorists to run rampant without taking them to task if their facts are inaccurate.

Medical doctors in South Africa practice evidence-based medicine. Everything in our practices, (be it what we believe, do or prescribe), can be substantiated by facts. Our knowledge on diseases and cures (including COVID-19) is not simply guesswork, but rather the result of thousands of hours of research and trials.

There are over 600 registered vaccines for COVID-19, of which 60 are in their final phase of trials. South Africa has 3 available vaccines.

  1. Johnson and Johnson
  2. Pfizer Biotech
  3. COVAX

The Astra Zeneca vaccine is not registered for usage in South Africa as the South African variant of the COVID-19 virus has proved to be partially resistant to this vaccine, rendering the vaccine less useful that its competitors.

Similarly to the influenza virus vaccine, the COVID vaccine is not a live attenuated virus. This means that the vaccine does not contain any live corona virus particles. It is thus completely safe to administer this vaccine to all patients.

The vaccine cannot make one contract COVID-19 as it is not a live virus.

This means that one will still test negative with a COVID-19 test after receiving the vaccine.

The vaccine teaches the body to build an immunity to COVID-19 vaccine, whereas COVID-19 tests are designed to pick up current infection with the virus.

The vaccine cannot alter one’s DNA. It contains messenger RNA particles, which are simply a teaching tool for the body to learn how to combat viruses. mRNA isn’t the same as DNA, and it can’t combine with our DNA to change our genetic code. There is no vaccine in the world that can alter one’s DNA. This technology simply does not exist.

The vaccine does not contain tiny microchips that Bill Gates will use in his quest for global domination, and the vaccine does not mark Christian patients with the number of the beast as was prophesied in Revelations 13. All of the ingredients used in the COVID-19 vaccines are freely available on request and this can be verified by thousands of scientists.

Currently public health vaccination programs are being rolled out across South Africa. We encourage all patients who qualify to get vaccinated at these site as a matter of urgency. We, as the Howick Medical Centre Doctors, have all been vaccinated as well as our families and staff. Together, we can beat this pandemic. We suggest checking facts before making rash decisions about not vaccinating oneself. Reading articles from trusted sources such as the World Health Organisation will help. Otherwise, talk to your local General Practitioner if you have any doubts or questions.